Don't promote who you are so much as what you can do. In other words, make your marketing and promotional messages about how you can help someone solve their problem.
When the focus of your materials is how your skills and experience will help someone else save money, hire better people or improve their bottom line, promote all you want. If, however, the focus is only about your past titles and awards, your message looks self-serving.
So, don't be afraid to spread the outrageous truth about yourself or your organization. But be sure it's focused on how the other person will benefit.
For more insights like these, sign up for my free newsletter or have me present a workshop for your team. Follow me on Twitter.
When the focus of your materials is how your skills and experience will help someone else save money, hire better people or improve their bottom line, promote all you want. If, however, the focus is only about your past titles and awards, your message looks self-serving.
So, don't be afraid to spread the outrageous truth about yourself or your organization. But be sure it's focused on how the other person will benefit.
For more insights like these, sign up for my free newsletter or have me present a workshop for your team. Follow me on Twitter.