This may change your whole outlook on business, and consequently make you more profitable. If so, please keep me in mind with an appropriate commission (just kidding, kinda).
You love your customer, right? Everyone says so, and probably believes it’s true. But, in the weary winter of slow sales and sagging profits, the customer actually gets forgotten. We get more focussed on the costs and the staffing levels and the inventory concerns. Almost without noticing it, the customer is an afterthought.
Here are some ways to know if it’s true in your business.
You love your customer, right? Everyone says so, and probably believes it’s true. But, in the weary winter of slow sales and sagging profits, the customer actually gets forgotten. We get more focussed on the costs and the staffing levels and the inventory concerns. Almost without noticing it, the customer is an afterthought.
Here are some ways to know if it’s true in your business.
1. You haven’t offered to give away anything of real value in a long time.
2. You haven’t made any effort to find out if your customer’s needs have changed.
3. You ignore customer complaints because you don’t have the time.
It’s time to put some love back into your business. Begin to court your customer once again. Show her or him that you really do care, and that you want a long term relationship. How?
Putting the focus back on the customer will make you perform better and just may improve your bottom line.