Done is better than perfect. When I first heard that expression, I wasn't sure if I agreed. After all, why wouldn't you strive to produce your very best, a standard of excellence? Why would you want to put something out for others to buy if it was not your best effort? Well, the quick answer is that you wouldn't. But if trying so hard to be perfect is preventing your from finishing the job, then you are short changing your customers and yourself. You are letting perfection get in the way of progress. So, the correct attitude should be, get it done as well as you can, but get it done. If you can improve it, then improve it later. Revise it. But get it done. Finish the job. Seth Godin has popularized the notion of "shipping." He talks about the internal fears (the lizard brain) that keep us from taking that final step of shipping the product out the door. People pay for value. They pay for progress. They pay for a finished product. Hiding behind a wall of perfection might make you feel better, but it's going to take a very stiff toll down the road. Do you best, but do it. Here are 5 steps to getting it done. 1. See your perfectionism for what it likely excuse. 2. When writing1 a blog post, speech or presentation outline, avoid the temptation to edit as you write. Get your thoughts.